Years ago, as a 15 year old, I started what I call my "hobbyist health journey." I was an active kid, participating in dance, theatre, and cheerleading. I took elective strength training class in high school. And yet as an active 15 year old I was still overweight. Knowing that the active part was not the issue, I started looking into foods that could be a contributing factor and man oh man were my eyes opened.
Since then I've learned a lot about nutrition, and as I got older and left the organized sports of my youth, I began searching for new ways to stay active. During the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, I struggled with anxiety for the first time in my adult life and as a result became a certified meditation teacher. This was probably the best move I could have made and it really began to pull all the health pieces I had gathered over the years together into one cohesive picture.

I don't want that decades long journey for you, so keep reading to get the breakdown of what I now use as my coaching methodology: The CALM Habit Method. I love using the house metaphor because we all know the basic structures of a house and how each plays its role in making sure the house stays standing. Here's how I build my house of health. First up, the foundation.
For me, the foundation of health is the first piece that I discovered, and that's nutrition. Can you build muscles with poor nutrition, yes...but it will take a while and it will be so much more difficult to maintain. What you put in your body is the fuel for all of your systems, much like how a furnace heats your house. To lose weight, build and maintain muscle, manage chronic illness, and have energy to accomplish all your goals every day, you need Customized Nutrition. Whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. Lean meats that aren't processed or fried. Staying away from trans and saturated fats. All of it plays an important role in your health journey. This is the piece that holds all the other pieces together, hence, the foundation.

Then we have to build the structure itself, the frame, so to speak. To me, that's the mindfulness piece. This encompasses awareness, meditation, goal-setting, reflection, sleep, and balance. Active Awareness is being aware of that new fad diet, thinking about all the information surrounding it, setting the goal to research it, and balancing it out with both sides of what works and what doesn't. It's using your breath when you exercise, setting realistic goals for yourself in all aspects of your life, and reflecting on how it fits in every part of your day to day life.
Up next we need our windows and doors. These are what let in the good stuff and keep out the bad. That's exactly what Low-Tox Lifestyle does. Working through digital detoxes, clean beauty, organic housekeeping, and reducing our overall toxic load, we work on taking control of what we put on, and breathe into, our bodies.
And finally, we come to movement. What fun would it be to build a house and not decorate it? Well, Movement That Matters is the fun part of these pillars. It's the "decoration" that we show to the world, and it's essential for cardiovascular health. The movement pillar involves not just planned exercise, but day to day movement as well. This day to day movement actually accounts for most of our burned calories in a day.

If you're looking for a little support and motivation, send me a message @StudioCerissa on Instagram. Or, take it a step further with some personalized coaching (all found on my website using the menu above).